Payoneer empowers global commerce by connecting businesses, professionals, countries and currencies with its innovative cross-border payments platform. In today's borderless digital world, Payoneer enables millions of businesses and professionals from more than 200 countries to reach new audiences by facilitating seamless, cross-border payments.

I had become Payoneer partner and share you this program. Very easy to folow few steps below:

1. Understand Payoneer and Start register

- Understand how Payoneer do:

- Start register:

* Note: Please use this link above to get $25 free.
- Type your information and click Next
- Type your address information and click Next
*Note: You must put true (correct) address to receive your card
- Type account name and password

- Type informations use for verify your account: This step use can use National ID, Card Driver or Passpost and click FINISH.

2. Receipt Payoneer Card

If you informain is correct. You'll receive an email from Payoneer like this and you need wait for Payoneer work.
Affer few (3-5) days you'll receive second email about your account is verified and Payoneer start send your card to you.
You can choose 2 transfer service:

  • Free: About 2 weeks to 1 month
  • DHL: 3-5 days but $65 fee

3. Verify US Payment Service:

To receive money to your Payoneer account, you need verify the US Payment Service.
  • Login to your account -> Receive Payment -> My US Payment Service Profile
  • Upload your National ID, Driver Card or Passpost
  • Done!
Affter verified. You can see your account like this:

All done! If you've any problem with verify account or receive Card please send email to Customer Service of Payoneer.