Smarty is a template engine for PHP, facilitating the separation of presentation (HTML/CSS) from application logic. This implies that PHP code is application logic, and is separated from the presentation.

1. Download:
You can download Smarty from homepage:

2. Installation
Install the Smarty library files which are in the /libs/ sub directory of the distribution. These are .php files that you SHOULD NOT edit. They are shared among all applications and only get changed when you upgrade to a new version of Smarty.

In the examples below the Smarty tarball has been unpacked to: /usr/local/lib/Smarty-v.e.r/ for *nix machines and c:\your_web_root\libs\Smarty-v.e.r\ for the windows environment.

3. Using:
First, require Smarty class you can require directly or define a global value for example index.php:

require_once(SMARTY_DIR . 'Smarty.class.php');
$smarty  = new Smarty();

// Header
$smarty->assign('page_title','Demo Smarty');
// Body
// Footer
$smarty->assign('page_footer','Copyright by');

// Display
Smarty requires four directories which are by default named templates/, templates_c/, configs/ and cache/ in your root website folder

Create a file into templates folder: home.tpl
{* Comment Not Display *}

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />




More examples you can find at demo folder in download packet.